Friday, August 7, 2009

What's the HOLD UP?

Persistence and patience. I'm anxious to make this movie a reality. While I believe that the universe will provide the means, my thinking lately is, "OK... what's the hold up?"

With that said though, a business packet, including the script was recently dropped into the hands of a promising investor who avidly supports independent cinema. Trust and patience!

I have been carrying around positive affirmations in my wallet on a post-it note, proclaiming the dates of pre-production, production, festival premieres, and distribution dates and how much the project will make in the first year. Believe and it will be manifested, right?

Until then, I am busy with my (about 11th or 12th) re-write of the script.... and I find it most interesting that new things arise that make it stronger, better. I'm also working on my script analysis for my directing duties.

Little by little, step by step. The question to ask yourself in anything that you do in your daily life, "Is this bringing me closer to my goal, or further from it?" Words of wisdom for the day.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I'm an artist, a creative soul, a human who's inspired to tell stories through the visual medium of cinema. BUT, films cost a LOT of dough. No dough=No project

That's what I'm learning now. The BIZ of it all. I suppose it might take a lifetime to figure it all out. This is the side that I need more patience and understanding for. The side that doesn't want to speak. I'm learning to embrace the fundamentals of pitching, creating business plans, networking, planning, and more pitching.

Slowly, but surely. I believe that I'm just the instrument to implement and create this story to life. Embrace this and the universe will provide for it's existence. This story is bigger than you and I. This story comes from NOT me, but from somewhere beyond me. It begs to be alive.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The TEAM grows.

Please welcome Doug Freeman, Production Designer. I am most excited to add him to our already stellar collaborators! He has an excellent and most impressive track record. He's enthusiatic, dedicated, and passionate about his work. He told me at our first meeting, "What else would I be doing? I love this job.... a doctor, a lawyer?... yeah, right!"

Doug is known to create "outside the box" and brings his well-honed experience and talents from a wide array of design work across the board. To view Doug's work and see more of what makes him tick, visit:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Welcome SVETLANA, Director of Photography

She's sweet. She's talented. She's driven. Watch out! It's a honor to announce the addition of SVETLANA CVETKO to the bUs tRip team. Please visit this website to see her amazing skills in cinematography at:

She expressed to me that she's been waiting for a story like bUs tRip to come along and has been turning down scripts. This means an incredible amount to me and proof that this tale rings true to other artists and their desire to become involved.

The collaboration is growing! Thank you Svetlana! Let's create some beautiful moving images!