Thursday, December 4, 2008

I'm going HUNTING!

OK. I grew up in the Upper Michigan where you weren't a real man/boy, unless you toted a rifle and shot and killed just about any animal that moved... no, really!

I'm using those tracking skills (that I didn't really learn anyway, cuz I hated guns) to find my talent and crew for bUs tRip. It's actually a fun process and I'm enjoying it.

I'm really honing into my "street wise" skills of going with my gut instincts in determining those who might be perfect for the job(s). It's really more about respect, the vibe, energy, than sheer experience.

For instance, when meeting my current casting director, Nina Henninger it was like meeting an old friend that I hadn't talked to for a few years and we connected like old souls.

We've got the script out to some top talent, great cinematographers and possible executive producers to find us the dough.... show me the dough!

Like the rehearsal photo above, when Jose attacks Jeff.... so does the director, "attack" his prey of the best in the business to join his posse. Over and out, yah!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Storyboard process... much like the writing process. You start with a first draft, which comes out like a blob, then you get feedback, collaborate, and then re-visit it. With that you re-storyboard, re-storyboard, re-storyboard!

It's an interesting process and I find it baffling that other filmmakers DO NOT storyboard. Cinema is a VISUAL (and audio) experience. How could you NOT storyboard your vision. Words are a good first way to get things down and then pictures, right?

I've struggled, kicking and screaming sometimes with sitting down to get my ideas in pictures. I can "see" them, but when it comes to pushing the pencil on the paper, I stumble. The main reason is that drawing is NOT my favorite thing to do. I'm not that good at it and I don't have the patience to get perspective and details just so.

...but.... I'm learning to embrace this part of the process and am realizing the invaluable tool it will serve later when I come to direct this story. (I am also playing the protagonist role of Jeff in this film... more to come on that later)

With my drawings, I am working with my creative writing group for feedback and then I submit those changes to the professional storyboard/illustrator for a final draft (well... nothing is final, until you shoot)........ So go ahead..... DRAW something!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An overview from the past.

OK. After almost 5 years of film-related classes, 2 years of screenwriting, and 3 years of writing, and re-writing the script, workshopping the script with my writing group, 2 rehearsal films to support the project, a website, storyboards, networking constantly, securing the TOP producer in the Bay Area (Debbie Brubaker, look her up on, a comprehensive budget completed with schedule, a solid busines plan, and securing a top Casting Director, Nina Henninger.... I think, NO, I KNOW, that this project is OFF the ground, hovering ever so slightly and ready for take off!

It's really amazing how much work goes into creating a feature film. It's really a job, equal to building a major suspension bridge or a complicated skyscraper. Planning, planning, planning...

Hard work DOES pay off in the end.

I am meeting with Nina, the casting director this week to brainstorm over what A-list talent to target and for what parts. It is a juicy job, figuring out who we want and why. This is the FUN stuff.

Monday, November 10, 2008

An introduction... HI

Sending out peace and good vibes to the blog-a-sphere! I am embarking on a project which will utilize my life passions, work, inspirations, hopes, fears and everything all wrapped up in one. It's a very exciting time to live here in San Francisco.

This film means so much to me....spiritually, mentally, emotionally. I have poured my life into it. After 40 years of life, this is what I am supposed to do. I have found my purpose. It feels pretty damn good too! Cinema is such a powerful force, more than we can ever imagine. With great humility, I strive to share this story void of ego.

Take a chance!